
We have some sample applications with our API.

The sample application that displays multiple key statistical data.

(in Japanese)

It displays key statistical data of selected region.
[Name of statistics used: 2015 Population Census, 2014 Economic Census Business Frame, 2013 Housing and land survey, Household survey]


The sample application that displays the latest information of Consumers Price Index (CPI).

(in Japanese)

It displays the change of CPI for the selected region, year and month, and month-to-month comparison.
[Name of statistics used: 2015 basis Consumer Price Index]


The sample application that displays statistical graphs cooperating with map data.

(in Japanese)

It displays statistic information of prefectures in a graph by selecting a table and an item and clicking a prefecture on the map.
[Name of statistics used: Estimate of the Population, System of Social and Demographic]

* For comfortability of use, we recommend the use of the latest browser.


Statistical Database Browser

(in Japanese)

It displays statistical dataset in list format. You can check meta information of each dataset and numerical data.
[Name of statistics used: Statistical survey provided by API]


The sample application that visualize data of e-Stat API on a web browser.

(in Japanese)

It visualizes data of e-Stat API on a web browser in four ways (bar chart, line graph, scatter plot, and map). It is possible to analyse by combining the data obtained from e-Stat API and the data owned by users (JSON format).
[Name of statistics used: Statistical survey provided by API]

(How to use an sample API: PDF)
* You can use it without an application ID