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National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth
2019 National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth
2004 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure / Retrospective Aggregation Using the Aggregation Method of the 2019 Survey
Income and Expenditures (Purchase Region, Type of Purchase Place) [ Comprehensive Family Finance ]
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Dataset information
National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth / 2019 National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth / 2004 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure / Retrospective Aggregation Using the Aggregation Method of the 2019 Survey Japan Income and Expenditures (Purchase Region, Type of Purchase Place) [ Comprehensive Family Finance ]

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Statistics name National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth Detail
Statistics code 00200564
Dataset category0 2019 National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth
Dataset category1 2004 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure / Retrospective Aggregation Using the Aggregation Method of the 2019 Survey
Dataset category2 Japan
Dataset category3 Income and Expenditures (Purchase Region, Type of Purchase Place) [ Comprehensive Family Finance ]
Table number 1-100
Table category1 Monthly Disbursements per Household-(Middle classification)
Table title Average of Monthly Disbursements per Household by Aged Persons Household Composition (21 Groups), Purchase Region (4 Groups), Type of Purchase Place (10 Groups), Income and Expenditure Classification (Middle classification) - Japan
Dataset overview
Theme (major classification) Business,Household,Economy
Theme (minor classification) Family Income and Expenditure
Publisher Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Phone number 03-5273-1173
Government statistics URL
Statistical type Fundamental Statistics
Survey date 2004
Published date and time 2023-02-28 14:00
Statistical table ID 0004000443
Frequency -
Tabulation area Nationwide
Total screen cell count 631,680
Tabulated variable
Number of Tabulated Households (Round Numbers)

Distribution of Households

Number of Persons per Household

Number of Persons Under 18

Number of Persons 65 and over

Number of Earners per Household

Age of Household Heads

Average of Monthly Disbursements per Household
Aged Persons Household Composition (21 Groups)
Total Households

Households with The Aged

Households without The Aged

Two-or-More-Person Households

Households with The Aged

Households Comprising an Aged Couple Only

Household Comprising an Couple Only:Both 65 Years Old and over

An Aged Couple and Unmarried Child(ren)

An Aged Couple and a Child's Couple

An Aged Couple, a Child's Couple and Unmarried Grandchild(ren)

Purchase Region (4 Groups)

Residentiary municipality

Other municipality (In residentiary prefecture)

Other municipality (In other prefecture)
Middle classification (Type of Purchase) 94 Groups


Consumption expenditures



Fish & shellfish


Dairy products & eggs

Vegetables & seaweeds


Type of purchase place 10 Groups

Mail-order selling (Internet)

Mail-order selling (Others)

Retail store


Convenience store

Department store

Cooperative store

Discount store,mass sales speciality store

Statistics name
Ministry (Division) in charge
E-mail address
Phone number
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  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.


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