Theme of Statistics

The statistical data provided by API belong to below theme of statistics.( Download CSV )

Theme of Statistics

No Major classification Major classification code Minor classification Minor classification code
1 Land and Climate 01 Land 0101
Climate 0102
2 Population and Households 02 Population 0201
Households 0202
Vital Statistics 0203
Migration 0204
3 Labor and Wages 03 Labour Force 0301
Wages and Working Conditions 0302
Employment 0303
Labor-Management Relations 0304
Work-Related Accident 0305
4 Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries 04 Agriculture 0401
Livestock 0402
Forestry 0403
Fisheries 0404
5 Mining and Manufacturing 05 Mining 0501
Manufacturing 0502
6 Domestic Trade and Services 06 Commerce 0601
Supply and Demand Circulation 0602
Service Trade 0603
7 Business,Household,Economy 07 Business Activities 0701
Finance,Insurance and Currency 0702
Prices 0703
Family Income and Expenditure 0704
National Accounts 0705
Economy 0706
8 Housing,Estate and Construction 08 Housing and Estate 0801
Construction 0802
9 Energy and Water 09 Electricity 0901
Gas 0902
Supply and Demand of Energy 0903
Water 0904
10 Transport and Sightseeing 10 Transport 1001
Storage Warehousing 1002
Sightseeing 1003
11 Information and Communication,Science and Technology 11 Information and Communication,Broadcasting 1101
Science and Technology 1102
Intellectual property 1103
12 Education,Culture,Sports and Life 12 School Education 1201
Social Education 1202
Culture,Sports and Life 1203
13 Administration and Public Finance 13 Administration 1301
Public Finance 1302
Government Employees 1303
Elections 1304
14 Justice,Security and Environment 14 Justice 1401
Crime 1402
Disasters 1403
Accidents 1404
Environment 1405
15 Social Security and Sanitation 15 Social Security 1501
Social Insurance 1502
Social Walfare 1503
Health and Sanitation 1504
Medical Care 1505
16 International 16 Trade,The International Trade Balance 1601
International Collaboration 1602
17 Others 99 Other 9999