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Population Census
2020 Population Census
Divided Version of Statistical Table
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Population Census / 2020 Population Census / Divided Version of Statistical Table 02:Aomori-ken

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Statistics name Population Census Detail
Statistics code 00200521
Dataset category0 2020 Population Census
Dataset category1 Divided Version of Statistical Table
Dataset category2 02:Aomori-ken
Table number 6-4
Table category1 Basic Complete Tabulation on Labour Force
Statistical table name Number of employees including Board member of company, etc. (Employees(Aged 15 and over and including Board member of company, etc.)) by Sex, Age (five-year groups) and Industry (major groups), and Average age (Employees(Aged 15 and over and including Board member of company, etc.)) by Sex and Industry (major groups) - Japan, Prefectures, Municipalities
Dataset overview
Theme (major classification) Population and Households
Theme (minor classification) Population
Publisher Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Phone number 03-5273-1156
Government statistics URL
Statistical type Fundamental Statistics
Survey date 2020 Oct.
Published date and time 2022-06-24 14:00
Frequency -
Tabulation area Nationwide
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Ministry (Division) in charge
E-mail address
Phone number
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