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Housing and Land Survey
2013Housing and Land Survey
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  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Japan
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Situation of Dilapidation 29 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Japan
File:B052 第29表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―全国 Table , concrete Total Steel framed Others 全           国       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Tottori-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Shi,Ku,Machi and Mura 25 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (4 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (2 Groups) and Construction Material (2 Groups) - Shi and Ku
File:B053 第25表  の種類 4区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 , 構造 別数―市区 Table 25 , dilapidation Total Wooden Non-wooden 鳥   取   市 Tottori-shi       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C   賃 貸 用 の 住 4
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Japan
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Unoccupied Building 39 Vacant Dwellings, Dwellings with Temporary Occupants Only and Under Construction by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups), Width of Road Abutting on the Site (6 Groups), Distance to the Nearest Railroad Station or Bus Stop (12 Groups), Distance to Road 6 Meters in Width or Wider (5 Groups), Distance to the Nearest Medical Facilities (4 Groups), Distance to the Nearest Park (4 Groups), Distance to the Nearest Public Hall/Meeting Place (4 Groups), Distance to the Nearest Emergency Refuge Site (5 Groups), Distance to the Nearest Day Services Center for Aged (5 Groups), Distance to the Nearest Post Office or Bank (5 Groups) - Japan
File:B064 第39表  の種類 5区分 ,住宅の建て方 4区分 ,敷地に接している道路の幅員 6区分 ・最寄りの交通機関 , までの距離 ・緊急避難場所までの距離 ・老人デイサービスセンターまでの距離 ・郵便局・銀行までの距離 別数並びに一時現在者のみの住宅数及び建築中の住宅数―全国 Table 39. Vacant Dwellings ,    長屋建  Tenement-houses 共同住宅  Apartments その他 総 数   Vacant 一時現在者 のみ 建築中     二次的住宅  As second dwellings
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Gifu-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 岐   阜   県 Gifu-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Mie-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 三   重   県 Mie-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Nara-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 奈   良   県 Nara-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Oita-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 大   分   県 Oita-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Saga-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 佐   賀   県 Saga-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Shimane-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-10-30
Shi,Ku,Machi and Mura 25 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (4 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (2 Groups) and Construction Material (2 Groups) - Shi and Ku
File:B053 第25表  の種類 4区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 , 構造 別数―市区 Table 25 , dilapidation Total Wooden Non-wooden 松   江   市 Matsue-shi       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C   賃 貸 用 の 住 4
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Major Metropolitan Areas, Metropolitan Areas and Range of Distance
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-03-20
Metropolitan Areas 10 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Metropolitan Areas
File:B052 第10表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都市圏 Table , Steel framed Others 宇 都 宮 都  市  圏 Utsunomiya M.A.       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Major Metropolitan Areas, Metropolitan Areas and Range of Distance
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-03-20
Range of Distance 9 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Range of Distance
File:B052 第9表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―距離帯 Table , Total Steel framed Others 東 京 キ ロ 圏 70㎞ radius Tokyo       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Hokkaido
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 北   海   道 Hokkaido       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Chiba-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 千   葉   県 Chiba-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Tokyo-to
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 東   京   都 Tokyo-to       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Aichi-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 愛   知   県 Aichi-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Hyogo-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 兵   庫   県 Hyogo-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Saitama-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 埼   玉   県 Saitama-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Osaka-fu
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 大   阪   府 Osaka-fu       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Fukuoka-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-02-26
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 福   岡   県 Fukuoka-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Kagawa-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Shi,Ku,Machi and Mura 25 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (4 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (2 Groups) and Construction Material (2 Groups) - Shi and Ku
File:B053 第25表  の種類 4区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 , 構造 別数―市区 Table 25 , dilapidation Total Wooden Non-wooden 高   松   市 Takamatsu-shi       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C   賃 貸 用 の 住 4 , 善  通  寺  市 Zentsuji-shi 観  音  Kanonji-shi  さ  ぬ    Sanuki-shi  東 か が わ 市 Higashikagawa-shi 三   豊   
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Ibaraki-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 茨   城   県 Ibaraki-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Gumma-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 群   馬   県 Gumma-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Nagano-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 長   野   県 Nagano-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Kagoshima-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 鹿  児  島  県 Kagoshima-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Niigata-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 新   潟   県 Niigata-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Kyoto-fu
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 京   都   府 Kyoto-fu       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Okayama-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 岡   山   県 Okayama-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Hiroshima-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 広   島   県 Hiroshima-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Shizuoka-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2015-01-20
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 静   岡   県 Shizuoka-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Aomori-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 青   森   県 Aomori-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Akita-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 秋   田   県 Akita-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Tochigi-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 栃   木   県 Tochigi-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Shiga-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 滋   賀   県 Shiga-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Yamaguchi-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 山   口   県 Yamaguchi-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Ehime-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 愛   媛   県 Ehime-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Nagasaki-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 長   崎   県 Nagasaki-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Okinawa-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 沖   縄   県 Okinawa-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Kumamoto-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 熊   本   県 Kumamoto-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Yamagata-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 山   形   県 Yamagata-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Toyama-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 富   山   県 Toyama-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Ishikawa-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 石   川   県 Ishikawa-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Yamanashi-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 山   梨   県 Yamanashi-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Wakayama-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 和  歌  山  県 Wakayama-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Tottori-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 鳥   取   県 Tottori-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Kagawa-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 香   川   県 Kagawa-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Kochi-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , concrete Total Steel framed Others 高   知   県 Kochi-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Miyazaki-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Prefecture 27 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (5 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (4 Groups) and Construction Material (5 Groups) - Prefecture and 21 Major Cities
File:B052 第27表  の種類 5区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 4区分 ,構造 別数―都道府県,21 , Total Steel framed Others 宮   崎   県 Miyazaki-ken       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C    別        
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Miyazaki-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-11-27
Shi,Ku,Machi and Mura 25 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (4 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (2 Groups) and Construction Material (2 Groups) - Shi and Ku
File:B053 第25表  の種類 4区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 , 構造 別数―市区 Table 25 , dilapidation Total Wooden Non-wooden 宮   崎   市 Miyazaki-shi       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C   賃 貸 用 の 住 4
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Aomori-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Shi,Ku,Machi and Mura 25 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (4 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (2 Groups) and Construction Material (2 Groups) - Shi and Ku
File:B053 第25表  の種類 4区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 , 構造 別数―市区 Table 25 , dilapidation Total Wooden Non-wooden 青   森   市 Aomori-shi       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C   賃 貸 用 の 住 4
  • Housing and Land Survey
  • 2013Housing and Land Survey / Final results / Results for Prefectures (Prefecture, Shi, Ku, Machi and Mura) / Okinawa-ken
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-12-19
Shi,Ku,Machi and Mura 25 Vacant Dwellings by Vacant Status (4 Groups), Situation of Dilapidation (2 Groups), Type of Building (2 Groups) and Construction Material (2 Groups) - Shi and Ku
File:B053 第25表  の種類 4区分 ,腐朽・破損の有無 2区分 ,建て方 , 構造 別数―市区 Table 25 , dilapidation Total Wooden Non-wooden 那   覇   市 Naha-shi       総  数 4-A   二  次  的  住  宅 4-C   賃 貸 用 の 住 4
<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > >>
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  • For details of each statistical survey, please refer to the homepage above.
  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.

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