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  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯) Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯) Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:二人 統計名: 家計調査 貯蓄・負債編 統計表番号: 第7-3表 表題: 貯蓄・純貯蓄現在高五分位,世帯主の1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出 2023 二人以上の世帯 一連番号 時間軸 , 第5 純貯蓄現在高五分位 2023cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:・土地借入金のある世帯500~1 住宅・土地借入金のある世帯1 公的 住宅・土地借入金 の負債現在高平均 500万円未満 500~1 民間 2023cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳 , spouse heads % 世帯主の 歳 Age years old 持家 owned dwellings 平均畳 tatami
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-05-12
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:二人 第7-3表 貯蓄・純貯蓄現在高五分位,世帯主の1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出 Table 7-3 Monthly Receipts , 第5 純貯蓄現在高五分位 2022cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-08-08
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯) Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯) Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-05-12
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:・土地借入金のある世帯500~1 住宅・土地借入金のある世帯1 公的 住宅・土地借入金 の負債現在高平均 500万円未満 500~1 民間 2022cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳 , spouse heads % 世帯主の 歳 Age years old 持家 owned dwellings 平均畳 tatami
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2021
  • Update date  2022-05-10
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:二人 統計名: 家計調査 貯蓄・負債編 統計表番号: 第7-3表 表題: 貯蓄・純貯蓄現在高五分位,世帯主の1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出 2021 二人以上の世帯 一連番号 時間軸 , 第5 純貯蓄現在高五分位 2021cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2021
  • Update date  2022-05-10
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:・土地借入金のある世帯500~1 住宅・土地借入金のある世帯1 公的 住宅・土地借入金 の負債現在高平均 500万円未満 500~1 民間 2021cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳 , spouse heads % 世帯主の 歳 Age years old 持家 owned dwellings 平均畳 tatami
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2020
  • Update date  2021-05-18
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:二人 統計名: 家計調査 貯蓄・負債編 統計表番号: 第7-3表 表題: 貯蓄・純貯蓄現在高五分位,世帯主の1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出 2020 二人以上の世帯 一連番号 時間軸 , 第5 純貯蓄現在高五分位 2020cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2021
  • Update date  2022-08-05
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯) Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯) Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2020
  • Update date  2021-05-18
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:・土地借入金のある世帯500~1 住宅・土地借入金のある世帯1 公的 住宅・土地借入金 の負債現在高平均 500万円未満 500~1 民間 2020cyA 世帯分布 抽出調整 000分 集計世帯 世帯 世帯人員 人 18歳未満人員 65歳以上人員 65歳以上人員のうち無人員 有業人員 世帯主の配偶のうち女の有業 % 世帯主の 歳 持家 平均畳 持家 畳 , spouse heads % 世帯主の 歳 Age years old 持家 owned dwellings 平均畳 tatami
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2020
  • Update date  2021-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯) Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯) Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2019
  • Update date  2020-08-07
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯) Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯) Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2018
  • Update date  2019-06-07
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯) Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯) Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2017
  • Update date  2018-06-08
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯) Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯) Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2016
  • Update date  2017-06-09
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 % owned dwellings % 家賃・地代を支払 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2015
  • Update date  2016-06-10
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 34歳 35~59歳 60歳~ うち65歳~ which years 0200H 85*01 世 帯 分 布 抽出調整 Distribution 集計世帯 Num. tabulated 歳 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2014
  • Update date  2015-06-11
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 34歳 35~59歳 60歳~ うち65歳~ which years 0200H 85*01 世 帯 分 布 抽出調整 Distribution 集計世帯 Num. tabulated 歳 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2013
  • Update date  2014-06-11
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 34歳 35~59歳 60歳~ うち65歳~ which years 0200H 85*01 世 帯 分 布 抽出調整 Distribution 集計世帯 Num. tabulated 歳 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2012
  • Update date  2013-06-12
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 34歳 35~59歳 60歳~ うち65歳~ which years 0200H 85*01 世 帯 分 布 抽出調整 Distribution 集計世帯 Num. tabulated 歳 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2011
  • Update date  2012-10-12
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 34歳 35~59歳 60歳~ うち65歳~ which years 0200H 85*01 世 帯 分 布 抽出調整 Distribution 集計世帯 Num. tabulated 歳 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2009
  • Update date  2010-06-18
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 歳) old 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 (%) owned dwellings % 家賃・地代 , expenses”and “Remittance”.   information 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2010
  • Update date  2011-06-17
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 34歳 35~59歳 60歳~ うち65歳~ which years 0200H 85*01 世 帯 分 布 抽出調整 Distribution 集計世帯 Num. tabulated 歳 , Housing” “Purchase vehicles” “Remittance” 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2008
  • Update date  2009-06-19
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 歳) old 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 (%) owned dwellings % 家賃・地代 , expenses”and “Remittance”.   information 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2007
  • Update date  2008-06-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group (One-person Households,Workers' Households) One-person Households,Workers' Households
File:単身 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり 1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯 Table 2. Yearly Average , 歳) old 有 業 Rate earners 持 家 (%) owned dwellings % 家賃・地代 , Other expenses” “Remittance”.   information 勤 第2表 男女,1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(単身世帯のうち勤労世帯 Workers' 単身世帯のうち
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  • For details of each statistical survey, please refer to the homepage above.
  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.

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