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Family Income and Expenditure Survey
Family Income and Expenditure Survey
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  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 5 Time series of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household (Two-or-more-person Households), By Yearly Income Quintile Group (Two-or-more-person Households, Workers'Households), By Age Group of Household Head (Two-or-more-person Households) Food (Alcoholic beverages -- Meals outside the home)
File:・ビール風アルコール飲料」の支出金額,数量及び価格は,「発泡酒」の値である。 3. 2002年から,料の数量は6分の1の世帯のみ調査することとなったため,2002年以後の料の数量と価格の算出方法は, , containing gaps influenced revision account books. 390~399・ 390~396・ 39A 39B 39X 39A・39B・ 39A・39B 399・39A・ 日本そば・ 中華そば す し 中 華 洋 肉 ハンバーガー 喫 茶 代 飲 学校給 一般 う ど ん 麺類
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 6 By City Group, District and City with Prefectural Government (Two-or-more-person Households) Food (Alcoholic beverages -- Meals outside the home)
File:252-19 the Local Autonomy Act excluding governments 390~399・ 390~396・ 39A 39B 39X 39A・39B・ 39A・39B 399・39A・ 日本そば・ 中華そば す し 和 中 華 洋 肉 ハ ン 喫 茶 代 飲 学校給 一般 う ど ん 麺類 ) バーガー
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yearly Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-1 Time series of Disbursements Two-or-more-person Households (Distribution of households -- Furniture & household utensils)
File:In Yen 世帯数分布 集計世帯数 世帯人員 有業人員 世帯主の年齢 消費支出 抽出率調整 人 歳 料 住居 光熱・水道 家具・家事 年月 穀類 魚介類 肉類 乳卵類 野菜・海藻 果 物 油脂・調味料 菓 子 類 調 理 品 飲 料 酒類 家賃地代 設備修繕・ 電気代 ガス代 他の光熱 上下水道料 用品 家庭用耐久財 , 牛乳 乳製品 卵 生鮮野菜 乾物・海藻 大豆加工品 他の野菜・ 生 鮮 果物加工品 油 脂 味 主的調理 他の調理品 茶類 コーヒー・ 他の飲料 一般 学校給 維持 設備材料 工事その他 家事用耐久財
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yearly Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-2 Time series of Receipts and Disbursements Workers' Households (Disbursements -- Furniture & household utensils)
File:Households Two-or-more-person 単位 円  In Yen 支払 実支出 消費支出 年月 料 住居 光熱・水道 家具・家事 穀類 魚介類 肉類 乳卵類 野菜・海藻 果物 油脂・調味料 菓子類 調理品 飲料 酒類 家賃地代 設備修繕・ 電気代 ガス代 他の光熱 上下水道料 用品 家庭用耐久財 , 牛乳 乳製品 卵 生鮮野菜 乾物・海藻 大豆加工品 他の野菜・ 生鮮果物 果物加工品 油脂 調味料 主的 他の 茶類 コーヒー・ 他の飲料 一般 学校給 維持 設備材料 工事その他の 家事用耐久財
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-09-06
Distribution of Households 20 By Characteristics of Household and Amount Group of Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:Public corporate bonds 投資信託 Investment trusts 金融機関 Non-financial 再掲 年金型貯蓄 Regrouped for annuity 貨預金・債 Foreign currency foreign 負 債 の 種 類 別 負 債 現 在 高 階 , 業 Scientific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification - Yearly Amount of Expenditures per Household 3 Time series of Expenditure One-person Households
File:チューハイ・カクテル “Chu-hi” liquor soda fruit cocktail 他の酒 Meals outside the home 事代 日本そば・うどん 中華そば 他の麺類 すし() eating out 和 meals 中華 Western 焼肉 Broiled ハンバーガー Hamburgers 他の主 喫茶代 refreshments 飲酒代 Drinking 賄い費 Charges board
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Total households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification - Yearly Amount of Expenditures per Household 3 Time series of Expenditures Total Households
File:チューハイ・カクテル “Chu-hi” liquor soda fruit cocktail 他の酒 Meals outside the home 一般 Eating out 事代 日本そば・うどん 中華そば 他の麺類 すし() eating 和 meals 中華 Western 焼肉 Broiled ハンバーガー Hamburgers 他の主 喫茶代 refreshments 飲酒代 Drinking 学校給 School 賄い費
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-09-06
Distribution of Households 19 By Characteristics of Household, Amount Group of Savings and Amount Group of Savings Less Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:Public corporate bonds 投資信託 Investment trusts 金融機関 Non-financial 再掲 年金型貯蓄 Regrouped for annuity 貨預金・債 Foreign currency foreign 貯  蓄  合  計  現  在  高  階   , 業 Scientific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Yearly Income Quintile Group,and by Yearly Income Decile Group Two-or-more-person Households,Workers' Households
File: seasonings 油脂 調味料 Seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 主的調理品 with rice bread or noodles 他の調理品 cooked 飲料 Beverages 茶類 Tea コーヒー・ココア Coffee cocoa 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 一般 Eating out 学校給 School
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Total households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-2 Time series of Receipts and Disbursements Workers' Households
File: seasonings 油脂 調味料 Seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 主的調理品 with rice bread or noodles 他の調理品 cooked 飲料 Beverages 茶類 Tea コーヒー・ココア Coffee cocoa 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 一般 Eating out 学校給 School
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Total households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-1 Time series of Disbursements Total Households
File: seasonings 油脂 調味料 Seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 主的調理品 with rice bread or noodles 他の調理品 cooked 飲料 Beverages 茶類 Tea コーヒー・ココア Coffee cocoa 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 一般 Eating out 学校給 School
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 By Sex and Age Group One-person Households,Workers' Households
File: seasonings 油脂 調味料 Seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 主的調理品 with rice bread or noodles 他の調理品 cooked 飲料 Beverages 茶類 Tea コーヒー・ココア Coffee cocoa 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 賄い費 Charges for board 住居
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 3 By Number of Household Members,and by Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households,Workers' Households
File:世帯の割合 rented & land 消費支出 Consumption expenditures 料 Food 穀類 Cereals 魚介類 Fish shellfish 肉類 Meat 乳卵類 Dairy , Fruits 油脂・調味料 Oils fats seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 飲料 Beverages 酒類 Alcoholic beverages Meals outside the home 住居 Housing 家賃地代 Rents for
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-2 Time series of Receipts and Disbursements Workers' Households
File:特別収入 Non-current 受贈金 Gifts 他の特別収入 non-current 実収入以の収入 実収入以の受取 繰入金を除く other than 預貯金引出 Withdraw deposits , seasonings 油脂 調味料 Seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 主的調理品 with rice bread or noodles 他 , 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 賄い費 Charges board 住居 Housing
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2024Jan.-Mar.
  • Update date  2024-07-26
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-2 By Having or Not Having Plans to Buy or Build Houses and /or Land Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 4 (Households with The Aged) By Employment Status of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households
File: Expenditures 消費支出 Consumption expenditures 料 Food 穀類 Cereals 魚介類 Fish shellfish 肉類 Meat 乳卵類 Dairy , Fruits 油脂・調味料 Oils fats seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 飲料 Beverages 酒類 Alcoholic beverages Meals outside the home 住居 Housing 家賃地代 Rents dwelling
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Total households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 2 (Households with The Aged) By Employment Status of Household Head Total Households
File: Expenditures 消費支出 Consumption expenditures 料 Food 穀類 Cereals 魚介類 Fish shellfish 肉類 Meat 乳卵類 Dairy , Fruits 油脂・調味料 Oils fats seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 飲料 Beverages 酒類 Alcoholic beverages Meals outside the home 賄い費 Charges board 住居 Housing
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2024Jan.-Mar.
  • Update date  2024-07-26
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Use Classification - Yeary Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-1 Time series of Disbursements One-person Households
File: seasonings 油脂 調味料 Seasonings 菓子類 Cakes candies 調理品 Cooked food 主的調理品 with rice bread or noodles 他の調理品 cooked 飲料 Beverages 茶類 Tea コーヒー・ココア Coffee cocoa 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 賄い費 Charges for board 住居
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2024Jan.-Mar.
  • Update date  2024-07-26
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 5 Time series of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household (Two-or-more-person Households), By Yearly Income Quintile Group (Two-or-more-person Households, Workers'Households), By Age Group of Household Head (Two-or-more-person Households) Medical care
File:729 700~709 711~719 720~729 年 月 医 薬 品 感 冒 胃 腸 栄 養 剤 傷 ・ 他の用薬 他の医薬品 健康保持用 紙おむつ 保 健 用 眼 鏡 コンタクト 他の保健 医科診療代 , サービス 鍼  灸  院 料 金 等 等受診料 世帯主 年齢階級 器   具 治  療  代 ( 診療 ) Fees for Medicines Other Osteopathic complete Gastro , を家計簿に何回記入したかを示すもので,年間100世帯当たりで掲載されている。 3. 2002年から,料の数量は6分の1の世帯のみ調査することとなったため,2002年以後の料の数量と価格の算出方法は,
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 5 Time series of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household (Two-or-more-person Households), By Yearly Income Quintile Group (Two-or-more-person Households, Workers'Households), By Age Group of Household Head (Two-or-more-person Households) Transportation & communication -- Education
File:有料道路料 他の交通 75B・75X 自動車等 自動車購入 自 動 車 転 ガ ソ リ ン 自動車以 年極 ・ 月極 他 の レンタカー 他の自動車 信 郵 便 料 固定電話 携帯電話 運 送 携帯電話機 年間収入五分位階級 定 期 購 入 以 部 品 関連用品 整 備 費 の輸送機器 駐車場借料 ・カーシェア 等 関 連 保 険 保険料以 , を家計簿に何回記入したかを示すもので,年間100世帯当たりで掲載されている。 3. 2002年から,料の数量は6分の1の世帯のみ調査することとなったため,2002年以後の料の数量と価格の算出方法は,
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 5 Time series of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household (Two-or-more-person Households), By Yearly Income Quintile Group (Two-or-more-person Households, Workers'Households), By Age Group of Household Head (Two-or-more-person Households) Culture & recreation (Recreational services)
File:88A・ 88A 88B 88X 88Y 年 月 88A・88B・ 宿 泊 料 パ ッ ク 国 内 語学月謝 他 の 音楽月謝 スポーツ 自 動 車 家事月謝 880~889・ N H K ケーブル , を家計簿に何回記入したかを示すもので,年間100世帯当たりで掲載されている。 3. 2002年から,料の数量は6分の1の世帯のみ調査することとなったため,2002年以後の料の数量と価格の算出方法は,
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-08-06
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 5 Time series of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household (Two-or-more-person Households), By Yearly Income Quintile Group (Two-or-more-person Households, Workers'Households), By Age Group of Household Head (Two-or-more-person Households) Housing -- Fuel, light & water charges
File: 宅 地 代 他 の 設備修繕・ 設備材料 設備器具 修繕材料 工事その他 畳 替 え 給排水関係 壁 ・ 塀等 植 木・庭 他の工事費 火災・地震 年間収入五分位階級 維 持 のサービス 工 事 費 , 年間100世帯当たりで掲載されている。 また,数量は,居住室の平均畳数を示す。 3. 2002年から,料の数量は6分の1の世帯のみ調査することとなったため,2002年以後の料の数量と価格の算出方法は,
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2024Jan.-Mar.
  • Update date  2024-07-26
Distribution of Households 8-30 By Characteristics of Household, Amount Group of Savings and Amount Group of Savings Less Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業6 公務 その他7 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2024Jan.-Mar.
  • Update date  2024-07-26
Distribution of Households 8-31 By Characteristics of Household and Amount Group of Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業4 公務 その他5 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Oct.-Dec.
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-2 By Having or Not Having Plans to Buy or Build Houses and /or Land Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-2 By Having or Not Having Plans to Buy or Build Houses and /or Land Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Oct.-Dec.
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Oct.-Dec.
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Distribution of Households 8-31 By Characteristics of Household and Amount Group of Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業4 公務 その他5 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Oct.-Dec.
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Distribution of Households 8-30 By Characteristics of Household, Amount Group of Savings and Amount Group of Savings Less Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業6 公務 その他7 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Oct.-Dec.
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Distribution of Households 8-31 By Characteristics of Household and Amount Group of Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業4 公務 その他5 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023
  • Update date  2024-05-17
Distribution of Households 8-30 By Characteristics of Household, Amount Group of Savings and Amount Group of Savings Less Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業6 公務 その他7 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Jul.-Sep.
  • Update date  2024-01-26
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-2 By Having or Not Having Plans to Buy or Build Houses and /or Land Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Jul.-Sep.
  • Update date  2024-01-26
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Jul.-Sep.
  • Update date  2024-01-26
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Jul.-Sep.
  • Update date  2024-01-26
Distribution of Households 8-30 By Characteristics of Household, Amount Group of Savings and Amount Group of Savings Less Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業6 公務 その他7 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Jul.-Sep.
  • Update date  2024-01-26
Distribution of Households 8-31 By Characteristics of Household and Amount Group of Liabilities Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File:通貨性預貯金 定期性預貯金 生命保険など 有価証券 貸付信託・金銭信託 株式 債券 投資信託 金融機関 再掲 年金型貯蓄 貨預金・債 負債 住宅・土地のための負債 公的機関 民間機関 その他 住宅・ , 情報通信業 運輸業,郵便業 卸売業,小売業 金融業,保険業 学術研究,専門・技術サービス業 宿泊業,飲サービス業 教育,学習支援業 医療,福祉 他のサービス業4 公務 その他5 住居の所有関係別世帯数 , Scienteific research professional technical 宿泊業,飲サービス業 Accommodations eating drinking 教育,学習支援業 Education
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Apr.-Jun.
  • Update date  2023-10-27
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-2 By Having or Not Having Plans to Buy or Build Houses and /or Land Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Apr.-Jun.
  • Update date  2023-10-27
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-3 By Quintile Group of Amount of Savings and Savings Less Liabilities, Age Group of Household Head Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Savings and Liabilities / Two-or-more-person households / Detailed Tabulation
  • Survey date  2023Apr.-Jun.
  • Update date  2023-10-27
Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 7-1 By Amount Group of Savings, Savings Less Liabilities or Liabilities, Yearly Income Group Two-or-more-person Households, Workers' Households
File: 生鮮果物 1.6.2 果物加工品 油脂・調味料 1.7.1 油脂 1.7.2 調味料 菓子類 調理品 1.9.1 主的調理品 1.9.2 他の調理品 飲料 1.10.1 茶類 1.10.2 コーヒー・ココア 1.10.3 他の飲料 酒類 1.12.1 一般 1.12.2 学校給 住居 家賃地代 設備修繕・維持 2.2.1 設備材料 , Coffee cocoa 1.10.3 他の飲料 beverages 酒類 Alcoholic Meals outside the home 1.12.1 一般 Eating out 1.12.2
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-08-08
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 5 Time series of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household (Two-or-more-person Households), By Yearly Income Quintile Group (Two-or-more-person Households, Workers'Households), By Age Group of Household Head (Two-or-more-person Households) Food (Alcoholic beverages -- Meals outside the home)
File:・ビール風アルコール飲料」の支出金額,数量及び価格は,「発泡酒」の値である。 3. 2002年から,料の数量は6分の1の世帯のみ調査することとなったため,2002年以後の料の数量と価格の算出方法は, , containing gaps influenced revision account books. 390~399・ 390~396・ 39A 39B 39X 39A・39B・ 39A・39B 399・39A・ 日本そば・ 中華そば す し 中 華 洋 肉 ハンバーガー 喫 茶 代 飲 学校給 一般 う ど ん 麺類
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-08-08
Commodity Classification -Yearly Amount of Expenditures, Quantities and Average Prices per Household 6 By City Group, District and City with Prefectural Government (Two-or-more-person Households) Food (Alcoholic beverages -- Meals outside the home)
File:252-19 the Local Autonomy Act excluding governments 390~399・ 390~396・ 39A 39B 39X 39A・39B・ 39A・39B 399・39A・ 日本そば・ 中華そば す し 和 中 華 洋 肉 ハ ン 喫 茶 代 飲 学校給 一般 う ど ん 麺類 ) バーガー
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-08-08
Use Classification - Yearly Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-1 Time series of Disbursements Two-or-more-person Households (Distribution of households -- Furniture & household utensils)
File:In Yen 世帯数分布 集計世帯数 世帯人員 有業人員 世帯主の年齢 消費支出 抽出率調整 人 歳 料 住居 光熱・水道 家具・家事 年月 穀類 魚介類 肉類 乳卵類 野菜・海藻 果 物 油脂・調味料 菓 子 類 調 理 品 飲 料 酒類 家賃地代 設備修繕・ 電気代 ガス代 他の光熱 上下水道料 用品 家庭用耐久財 , 牛乳 乳製品 卵 生鮮野菜 乾物・海藻 大豆加工品 他の野菜・ 生 鮮 果物加工品 油 脂 味 主的調理 他の調理品 茶類 コーヒー・ 他の飲料 一般 学校給 維持 設備材料 工事その他 家事用耐久財
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Two-or-more-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-08-08
Use Classification - Yearly Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household 1-2 Time series of Receipts and Disbursements Workers' Households (Disbursements -- Furniture & household utensils)
File:Households Two-or-more-person 単位 円  In Yen 支払 実支出 消費支出 年月 料 住居 光熱・水道 家具・家事 穀類 魚介類 肉類 乳卵類 野菜・海藻 果物 油脂・調味料 菓子類 調理品 飲料 酒類 家賃地代 設備修繕・ 電気代 ガス代 他の光熱 上下水道料 用品 家庭用耐久財 , 牛乳 乳製品 卵 生鮮野菜 乾物・海藻 大豆加工品 他の野菜・ 生鮮果物 果物加工品 油脂 調味料 主的 他の 茶類 コーヒー・ 他の飲料 一般 学校給 維持 設備材料 工事その他の 家事用耐久財
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / One-person households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-08-08
Commodity Classification - Yearly Amount of Expenditures per Household 3 Time series of Expenditure One-person Households
File:チューハイ・カクテル “Chu-hi” liquor soda fruit cocktail 他の酒 Meals outside the home 事代 日本そば・うどん 中華そば 他の麺類 すし() eating out 和 meals 中華 Western 焼肉 Broiled ハンバーガー Hamburgers 他の主 喫茶代 refreshments 飲酒代 Drinking 賄い費 Charges board
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey
  • Family Income and Expenditure Survey / Income and Expenditure / Total households / Annual Report
  • Survey date  2022
  • Update date  2023-08-08
Commodity Classification - Yearly Amount of Expenditures per Household 3 Time series of Expenditures Total Households
File:チューハイ・カクテル “Chu-hi” liquor soda fruit cocktail 他の酒 Meals outside the home 一般 Eating out 事代 日本そば・うどん 中華そば 他の麺類 すし() eating 和 meals 中華 Western 焼肉 Broiled ハンバーガー Hamburgers 他の主 喫茶代 refreshments 飲酒代 Drinking 学校給 School 賄い費
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  • For details of each statistical survey, please refer to the homepage above.
  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.

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