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Statistics name System of Social and Demographic Statistics Prefectural Data Basic Data 
Table number 0000010106 
Table title System of Social and Demographic Statistics F Labour 
Dataset overview  
Statistics name System of Social and Demographic Statistics  Detail
Dataset category0 Prefectural Data 
Dataset category1 Basic Data
Table category1 System of Social and Demographic Statistics 
Published date and time 2024-02-20 14:00
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  • For details of each statistical survey, please refer to the homepage above.
  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.

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Observation value
F1101_(Population census) Population in labour force
F110101_(Population census) Population in labour force (Male)
F110102_(Population census) Population in labour force (Female)
F1102_(Population census) Number of employed persons
F110201_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Male)
F110202_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Female)
F1103_(Population census) Number of employed persons, mainly working
F110301_(Population census) Number of employed persons, mainly working (Male)
F110302_(Population census) Number of employed persons, mainly working (Female)
F1104_(Population census) Number of employed persons, working besides doing housework
F110401_(Population census) Number of employed persons, working besides doing housework (Male)
F110402_(Population census) Number of employed persons, working besides doing housework (Female)
F1105_(Population census) Number of employed persons, working besides mainly attending school
F110501_(Population census) Number of employed persons, working besides mainly attending school (Male)
F110502_(Population census) Number of employed persons, working besides mainly attending school (Female)
F1106_(Population census) Number of employed persons, being absent from work
F110601_(Population census) Number of employed persons, being absent from work (Male)
F110602_(Population census) Number of employed persons, being absent from work (Female)
F1107_(Population census) Number of unemployed persons
F110701_(Population census) Number of unemployed persons (Male)
F110702_(Population census) Number of unemployed persons (Female)
F1108_(Population census) Population not in labour force
F110801_(Population census) Population not in labour force (Male)
F110802_(Population census) Population not in labour force (Female)
F1109_(Population census) Population not in labour force, doing housework
F110901_(Population census) Population not in labour force, doing housework (Male)
F110902_(Population census) Population not in labour force doing housework (Female)
F1110_(Population census) Population not in labour force, attending school
F111001_(Population census) Population not in labour force, attending school (Male)
F111002_(Population census) Population not in labour force, attending school (Female)
F1111_(Population census) Population not in labour force, others
F111101_(Population census) Population not in labour force, others (Male)
F111102_(Population census) Population not in labour force, others (Female)
F1201_(Employment Status Survey) Population (Age 15 and over)
F120101_(Employment Status Survey) Population (Age 15 and over, Male)
F120102_(Employment Status Survey) Population (Age 15 and over, Female)
F1202_Number of persons with a job
F120201_Number of persons with a job (Male)
F120202_Number of persons with a job (Female)
F1203_Number of persons with a job, mainly engaged in work
F120301_Number of persons with a job, mainly engaged in work (Male)
F120302_Number of persons with a job, mainly engaged in work (Female)
F1204_Number of persons with a job, engaged in work on the side
F120401_Number of persons with a job, engaged in work on the side (Male)
F120402_Number of persons with a job, engaged in work on the side (Female)
F1205_Number of persons not engaged in work
F120501_Number of persons not engaged in work (Male)
F120502_Number of persons not engaged in work (Female)
F1206_Number of persons not engaged in work, doing housework
F120601_Number of persons not engaged in work, doing housework (Male)
F120602_Number of persons not engaged in work, doing housework (Female)
F1207_Number of persons not engaged in work, attending school
F120701_Number of persons not engaged in work, attending school (Male)
F120702_Number of persons not engaged in work, attending school (Female)
F1208_Number of persons not engaged in work, other
F120801_Number of persons not engaged in work, other (Male)
F120802_Number of persons not engaged in work, other (Female)
F1301_Agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
F130101_Agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (Male)
F130102_Agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (Female)
F1302_Agricultural, forestry and fishery employees
F130201_Agricultural, forestry and fishery employees (Male)
F130202_Agricultural, forestry and fishery employees (Female)
F130301_Directors (Male)
F130302_Directors (Female)
F1304_Shop proprietors
F130401_Shop proprietors (Male)
F130402_Shop proprietors (Female)
F1305_Factory proprietors
F130501_Factory proprietors (Male)
F130502_Factory proprietors (Female)
F1306_Service shop and other proprietors
F130601_Service shop and other proprietors (Male)
F130602_Service shop and other proprietors (Female)
F1307_Professional workers
F130701_Professional workers (Male)
F130702_Professional workers (Female)
F1308_Technical workers
F130801_Technical workers (Male)
F130802_Technical workers (Female)
F1309_Teachers and religious workers
F130901_Teachers and religious workers (Male)
F130902_Teachers and religious workers (Female)
F1310_Authors, artists, and entertainers
F131001_Authors, artists, and entertainers (Male)
F131002_Authors, artists, and entertainers (Female)
F1311_Managers and officials
F131101_Managers and officials (Male)
F131102_Managers and officials (Female)
F1312_Clerical workers
F131201_Clerical workers (Male)
F131202_Clerical workers (Female)
F1313_Sales workers
F131301_Sales workers (Male)
F131302_Sales workers (Female)
F1314_Skilled workers
F131401_Skilled workers (Male)
F131402_Skilled workers (Female)
F131501_Labourers (Male)
F131502_Labourers (Female)
F1316_Service workers
F131601_Service workers (Male)
F131602_Service workers (Female)
F1317_Protective service workers
F131701_Protective service workers (Male)
F131702_Protective service workers (Female)
F140111_Single-person households aged 65 and over (Unemployed, Male)
F140112_Single-person households aged 65 and over (Unemployed, Female)
F140121_Single-person households aged 65 and over (Not in labour force, Male)
F140122_Single-person households aged 65 and over (Not in labour force, Female)
F140301_Number of unemployed mother-child(ren) households
F140302_Non-labor population of mother-child(ren) households
F1501_Dual-income households
F150101_Dual-income households (No child)
F150102_Dual-income households (with child(ren) under 6 years old)
F150103_Dual-income households (with child(ren) under 18 years old)
F2101_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 15-19, Total)
F210101_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 15-19, Male)
F210102_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 15-19, Female)
F2102_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 20-24, Total)
F210201_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 20-24, Male)
F210202_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 20-24, Female)
F2103_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 25-29, Total)
F210301_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 25-29, Male)
F210302_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 25-29, Female)
F2104_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 30-34, Total)
F210401_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 30-34, Male)
F210402_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 30-34, Female)
F2105_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 35-39, Total)
F210501_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 35-39, Male)
F210502_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 35-39, Female)
F2106_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 40-44, Total)
F210601_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 40-44, Male)
F210602_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 40-44, Female)
F2107_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 45-49, Total)
F210701_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 45-49, Male)
F210702_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 45-49, Female)
F2108_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 50-54, Total)
F210801_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 50-54, Male)
F210802_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 50-54, Female)
F2109_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 55-59, Total)
F210901_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 55-59, Male)
F210902_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 55-59, Female)
F2110_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 60-64, Total)
F211001_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 60-64, Male)
F211002_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 60-64, Female)
F2111_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 65-69, Total)
F211101_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 65-69, Male)
F211102_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 65-69, Female)
F2112_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 70-74, Total)
F211201_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 70-74, Male)
F211202_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 70-74, Female)
F2113_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 75-79, Total)
F211301_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 75-79, Male)
F211302_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 75-79, Female)
F2114_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 80-84, Total)
F211401_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 80-84, Male)
F211402_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 80-84, Female)
F2115_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 85 and over, Total)
F211501_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 85 and over, Male)
F211502_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 85 and over, Female)
F2116_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 65 and over, Total)
F211601_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 65 and over, Male)
F211602_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Age 65 and over, Female)
F2201_Number of persons employed in primary industry
F220101_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Male)
F220102_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Female)
F2202_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Age 15-64)
F220201_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Age 15-64, Male)
F220202_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Age 15-64, Female)
F2203_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Age 65 and over)
F220301_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Age 65 and over, Male)
F220302_Number of persons employed in primary industry (Age 65 and over, Female)
F2211_Number of persons employed in secondary industry
F221101_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Male)
F221102_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Female)
F2212_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Age 15-64)
F221201_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Age 15-64, Male)
F221202_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Age 15-64, Female)
F2213_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Age 65 and over)
F221301_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Age 65 and over, Male)
F221302_Number of persons employed in secondary industry (Age 65 and over, Female)
F2221_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry
F222101_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Male)
F222102_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Female)
F2222_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Age 15-64)
F222201_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Age 15-64, Male)
F222202_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Age 15-64, Female)
F2223_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Age 65 and over)
F222301_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Age 65 and over, Male)
F222302_Number of persons employed in tertiary industry (Age 65 and over, Female)
F2315_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Agriculture) (-2005)
F231501_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Agriculture, Male) (-2005)
F231502_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Agriculture, Female) (-2005)
F2316_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Forestry) (-2005)
F231601_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Forestry, Male) (-2005)
F231602_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Forestry, Female) (-2005)
F2317_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Fisheries) (-2005)
F231701_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Fisheries, Male) (-2005)
F231702_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Fisheries, Female) (-2005)
F2318_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Mining) (-2005)
F231801_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Mining, Male) (-2005)
F231802_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Mining, Female) (-2005)
F2319_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Construction) (-2005)
F231901_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Construction, Male) (-2005)
F231902_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Construction, Female) (-2005)
F2320_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Manufacturing) (-2005)
F232001_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Manufacturing, Male) (-2005)
F232002_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Manufacturing, Female) (-2005)
F2321_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Electricity, gas, heat supply and water) (-2005)
F232101_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Electricity, gas, heat supply and water, Male) (-2005)
F232102_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Electricity, gas, heat supply and water, Female) (-2005)
F2322_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Information and communications) (-2005)
F232201_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Information and communications, Male) (-2005)
F232202_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Information and communications, Female) (-2005)
F2323_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Transport) (-2005)
F232301_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Transport, Male) (-2005)
F232302_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Transport, Female) (-2005)
F2324_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Wholesale and retail trade) (-2005)
F232401_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Wholesale and retail trade, Male) (-2005)
F232402_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Wholesale and retail trade, Female) (-2005)
F2325_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Finance and insurance) (-2005)
F232501_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Finance and insurance, Male) (-2005)
F232502_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Finance and insurance, Female) (-2005)
F2326_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Real estate) (-2005)
F232601_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Real estate, Male) (-2005)
F232602_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Real estate, Female) (-2005)
F2327_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Eating and drinking places and accommodations) (-2005)
F232701_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Eating and drinking places and accommodations, Male) (-2005)
F232702_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Eating and drinking places and accommodations, Female) (-2005)
F2328_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Medical, health care and welfare) (-2005)
F232801_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Medical, health care and welfare, Male) (-2005)
F232802_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Medical, health care and welfare, Female) (-2005)
F2329_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Education, learning support) (-2005)
F232901_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Education, learning support, Male) (-2005)
F232902_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Education, learning support, Female) (-2005)
F2330_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services) (-2005)
F233001_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services, Male) (-2005)
F233002_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services, Female) (-2005)
F2331_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services, N.E.C.) (-2005)
F233101_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services, N.E.C., Male) (-2005)
F233102_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services, N.E.C., Female) (-2005)
F2332_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Government except elsewhere classified) (-2005)
F233201_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Government except elsewhere classified, Male) (-2005)
F233202_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Government except elsewhere classified, Female) (-2005)
F2333_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Industries unable to classify) (-2005)
F233301_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Industries unable to classify, Male) (-2005)
F233302_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Industries unable to classify, Female) (-2005)
F2334_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Agriculture and forestry) (2010-)
F2335_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Fisheries) (2010-)
F2336_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Mining and quarrying of stone and gravel) (2010-)
F2337_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Construction) (2010-)
F2338_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Manufacturing) (2010-)
F2339_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Electricity, gas, heat supply and water) (2010-)
F2340_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Information and communications) (2010-)
F2341_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Transport and postal activities) (2010-)
F2342_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Wholesale and retail trade) (2010-)
F2343_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Finance and insurance) (2010-)
F2344_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Real estate and goods rental and leasing) (2010-)
F2345_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Scientific research, professional and technical services) (2010-)
F2346_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Accommodations, eating and drinking services) (2010-)
F2347_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Living-related and personal services and amusement services) (2010-)
F2348_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Education, learning support) (2010-)
F2349_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Medical, health care and welfare) (2010-)
F2350_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Compound services) (2010-)
F2351_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services, n.e.c.) (2010-)
F2352_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Government, except elsewhere classified) (2010-)
F2353_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Industries unable to classify) (2010-)
F2401_(Population census) Number of employees
F240101_(Population census) Number of employees (Male) (-2005)
F240102_(Population census) Number of employees (Female) (-2005)
F2402_Number of board member of company, etc.
F240201_Number of board member of company, etc. (Male)
F240202_Number of board member of company, etc. (Female)
F2403_Number of self-employed, employing others
F240301_Number of self-employed, employing others (Male)
F240302_Number of self-employed, employing others (Female)
F2404_Number of self-employed, not employing others
F240401_Number of self-employed, not employing others (Male)
F240402_Number of self-employed, not employing others (Female)
F2405_(Population census) Number of family employees (Total)
F240501_(Population census) Number of family employees (Male)
F240502_(Population census) Number of family employees (Female)
F2406_Number of self-employed and family employees (Total)
F240601_Number of self-employed and family employees (Male)
F240602_Number of self-employed and family employees (Female)
F2407_Number of employees (Long-term employee)
F240701_Number of employees (Long-term employee, Male)
F240702_Number of employees (Long-term employee, Female)
F2408_Number of employees (Temporary employee)
F240801_Number of employees (Temporary employee, Male)
F240802_Number of employees (Temporary employee, Female)
F2409_Number of employees (Regular employees)
F2410_Number of employees (Temporary employees)
F2411_Number of employees (Part-time employees and others)
F2501_(Employment Status Survey) Number of employees (Total)
F250101_(Employment Status Survey) Number of employees (Male)
F250102_(Employment Status Survey) Number of employees (Female)
F2502_Number of self-employed workers (Total)
F250201_Number of self-employed workers (Male)
F250202_Number of self-employed workers (Female)
F2503_(Employment Status Survey) Number of family employees
F2601_Number of professional and engineering workers (Total) (-2005)
F260101_Number of professional and engineering workers (Male) (-2005)
F260102_Number of professional and engineering workers (Female) (-2005)
F2602_Number of administrative and managerial workers (Total) (-2005)
F260201_Number of administrative and managerial workers (Male) (-2005)
F260202_Number of administrative and managerial workers (Female) (-2005)
F2603_Number of clerical workers (Total) (-2005)
F260301_Number of clerical workers (Male) (-2005)
F260302_Number of clerical workers (Female) (-2005)
F2604_Number of sales workers (Total) (-2005)
F260401_Number of sales workers (Male) (-2005)
F260402_Number of sales workers (Female) (-2005)
F2605_Number of agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (Total) (-2005)
F260501_Number of agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (Male) (-2005)
F260502_Number of agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (Female) (-2005)
F2607_Number of transport and communication workers (Total) (-2005)
F260701_Number of transport and communication workers (Male) (-2005)
F260702_Number of transport and communication workers (Female) (-2005)
F2609_Number of security workers (Total) (-2005)
F260901_Number of security workers (Male) (-2005)
F260902_Number of security workers (Female) (-2005)
F2610_Number of services workers (Total) (-2005)
F261001_Number of services workers (Male) (-2005)
F261002_Number of services workers (Female) (-2005)
F2611_Occupation (Unclassifiable) (-2005)
F261101_Occupation (Unclassifiable, Male) (-2005)
F261102_Occupation (Unclassifiable, Female) (-2005)
F2612_Number of production process workers and labourers (-2005)
F261201_Number of production process workers and labourers (Male) (-2005)
F261202_Number of production process workers and labourers (Female) (-2005)
F2613_Number of administrative and managerial workers (2010-)
F2614_Number of professional and engineering workers (2010-)
F2615_Number of clerical workers (2010-)
F2616_Number of sales workers (2010-)
F2617_Number of service workers (2010-)
F2618_Number of security workers (2010-)
F2619_Number of agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (2010-)
F2620_Number of manufacturing process workers (2010-)
F2621_Number of transport and machine operation workers (2010-)
F2622_Number of construction and mining workers (2010-)
F2623_Number of carrying, cleaning, packaging, and related workers (2010-)
F2624_Occupation (Unclassifiable) (2010-)
F2701_Number of persons working in the same municipalities
F270101_Number of persons working in the same municipalities (Male)
F270102_Number of persons working in the same municipalities (Female)
F2702_Number of persons working in other municipalities in the same prefecture
F270201_Number of persons working in other municipalities in the same prefecture (Male)
F270202_Number of persons working in other municipalities in the same prefecture (Female)
F2703_Number of persons working in other prefectures
F270301_Number of persons working in other prefectures (Male)
F270302_Number of persons working in other prefectures (Female)
F2704_Number of persons living and working in the same prefecture
F270401_Number of persons living and working in the same prefecture (Male)
F270402_Number of persons living and working in the same prefecture (Female)
F2705_Number of commuters to other municipalities
F270501_Number of commuters to other municipalities (Male)
F270502_Number of commuters to other municipalities (Female)
F2801_Number of employed persons by industry (Major groups)
F280115_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Agriculture) (-2005)
F280116_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Forestry) (-2005)
F280117_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Fisheries) (-2005)
F280118_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Mining) (-2005)
F280119_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Construction) (-2005)
F280120_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Manufacturing) (-2005)
F280121_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Electricity, gas, heat supply and water) (-2005)
F280122_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Information and communications) (-2005)
F280123_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Transport) (-2005)
F280124_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Wholesale and retail trade) (-2005)
F280125_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Finance and insurance) (-2005)
F280126_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Real estate) (-2005)
F280127_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Eating and drinking places, accommodations) (-2005)
F280128_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Medical, health care and welfare) (-2005)
F280129_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Education, learning support) (-2005)
F280130_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Compound services) (-2005)
F280131_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Services, N.E.C.) (-2005)
F280132_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Government except elsewhere classified) (-2005)
F280133_(Population census) Number of employed persons (Industries unable to classify) (-2005)
F2802_Number of employed persons living in other prefectures
F280201_Number of employed persons living in other prefectures (Male)
F280202_Number of employed persons living in other prefectures (Female)
F2803_Number of commuters from other municipalities
F280301_Number of commuters from other municipalities (Male)
F280302_Number of commuters from other municipalities (Female)
F3101_Number of new applications (General works)
F310101_Number of new applications (General worker, Male)
F310102_Number of new applications (General works, Female)
F3102_Number of monthly active applications (General works) (YTD)
F310201_Number of monthly active applications (General works, Male)
F310202_Number of monthly active applications (General works, Female)
F3103_Number of monthly active job openings (General works) (YTD)
F3104_Number of sufficiency (General)
F3105_Number of persons who found employment (General works) (YTD)
F310501_Number of persons who found employment (General works, Male)
F310502_Number of persons who found employment (General works, Female)
F3106_Number of new employments in the establishment located in the same prefecture (General works) (YTD)
F310603_Number of persons who found employment in other prefectures (General works)
F3107_Number of workers (General works) (-2019)
F3108_Number of workers (General works)
F3201_Number of new applications of part-time job (Regular)
F3202_Number of new applications of part-time job (Casual)
F3211_Number of monthly active applications of part-time job (Regular) (YTD)
F3212_Number of monthly active applications of part-time job (Casual) (YTD)
F3221_Number of persons who found employment of part-time job (Regular)
F3222_Number of persons who found employment of part-time job (Casual)
F3230_Number of part-time workers (Female) (-2019)
F3240_Number of part-time workers (Male) (-2019)
F3241_Number of part-time workers (Female)
F3242_Number of part-time workers (Male)
F3301_Number of new lower secondary school graduates seeking jobs
F3302_Number of new upper secondary school graduates seeking jobs
F3311_Number of new lower secondary school graduates openings
F3312_Number of new upper secondary school graduates openings
F3321_Number of new lower secondary school graduates getting jobs
F3322_Number of new upper secondary school graduates getting jobs
F340101_Number of new applications (Age 45 and over)
F340102_Number of new applications (Age 55 and over)
F340103_Number of new applications (Age 65 and over)
F340201_Number of active applications (Age 45 and over) (Monthly average)
F340202_Number of active applications (Age 55 and over) (Monthly average)
F340203_Number of active applications (Age 65 and over) (Monthly average)
F341101_Number of persons who found employment (Age 45 and over)
F341102_Number of persons who found employment (Age 55 and over)
F341103_Number of persons who found employment (Age 65 and over)
F341201_Number of workers (Age 45 and over) (the enterprise more than 10 persons engaged) (-2019)
F341202_Number of workers (Age 55 and over) (the enterprise more than 10 persons engaged) (-2019)
F341203_Number of workers (Age 65 and over) (the enterprise more than 10 persons engaged) (-2019)
F341204_Number of workers (Age 45 and over) (the enterprise more than 10 persons engaged)
F341205_Number of workers (Age 55 and over) (the enterprise more than 10 persons engaged)
F341206_Number of workers (Age 65 and over) (the enterprise more than 10 persons engaged)
F3502_Number of new employments (Disabled persons)
F35021_Ratio of employment for the disabled persons
F350210_Number of new employments (Physically disabled persons)
F350220_Number of new employments (Intellectually disabled persons and others)
F350221_Number of new employments (Intellectually disabled persons)
F4101_Number of persons who wish to continue present jobs
F410101_Number of persons who wish to continue present jobs (Male)
F410102_Number of persons who wish to continue present jobs (Female)
F4102_Number of persons who wish to have an additional job
F410201_Number of persons who wish to have an additional job (Male)
F410202_Number of persons who wish to have an additional job (Female)
F4103_Number of persons who wish to have an additional job (Job seeker)
F410301_Number of persons who wish to have an additional job (Job seeker) (Male)
F410302_Number of persons who wish to have an additional job (Job seeker) (Female)
F4104_Number of persons who wish to change jobs
F410401_Number of persons who wish to change jobs (Male)
F410402_Number of persons who wish to change jobs (Female)
F4105_Number of persons who wish to change jobs (Job seeker)
F410501_Number of persons who wish to change jobs (Job seeker) (Male)
F410502_Number of persons who wish to change jobs (Job seeker) (Female)
F4106_Number of persons who wish to terminate jobs
F410601_Number of persons who wish to terminate jobs (Male)
F410602_Number of persons who wish to terminate jobs (Female)
F4107_Number of persons who wish to work
F410701_Number of persons who wish to work (Male)
F410702_Number of persons who wish to work (Female)
F4108_Number of persons who do not wish to work
F410801_Number of persons who do not wish to work (Male)
F410802_Number of persons who do not wish to work (Female)
F4201_Number of persons who continue present jobs
F420101_Number of persons who continue present jobs (Male)
F420102_Number of persons who continue present jobs (Female)
F4202_Number of persons who changed their jobs
F420201_Number of persons who changed their jobs (Male)
F420202_Number of persons who changed their jobs (Female)
F4203_Number of persons who quit their jobs
F420301_Number of persons who quit their jobs (Male)
F420302_Number of persons who quit their jobs (Female)
F4204_Number of persons who began work in the past year
F420401_Number of persons newly employed (Male)
F420402_Number of persons newly employed (Female)
F4205_Number of persons not working continuously
F420501_Number of persons not working continuously (Male)
F420502_Number of persons not working continuously (Female)
F610101_Scheduled actual working hours (Male) (-2019)
F610102_Scheduled actual working hours (Female) (-2019)
F610201_Actual overtime working hours (Male) (-2019)
F610202_Actual overtime working hours (Female) (-2019)
F610203_Scheduled actual working hours (Male)
F610204_Scheduled actual working hours (Female)
F610205_Actual overtime working hours (Male)
F610206_Actual overtime working hours (Female)
F620101_Wages regularly paid (Male) (-2019)
F620102_Wages regularly paid (Female) (-2019)
F620201_Scheduled cash earnings (Male) (-2019)
F620202_Scheduled cash earnings (Female) (-2019)
F620203_Scheduled cash earnings by size of enterprise (10-99 persons, Male)
F620204_Scheduled cash earnings by size of enterprise (10-99 persons, Female)
F620205_Scheduled cash earnings by size of enterprise (100-999 persons, Male)
F620206_Scheduled cash earnings by size of enterprise (100-999 persons, Female)
F620209_Scheduled cash earnings (Age 25-29, Male)
F620210_Scheduled cash earnings (Age 25-29, Female)
F620211_Scheduled cash earnings (Age 35-39, Male)
F620212_Scheduled cash earnings (Age 35-39, Female)
F620213_Scheduled cash earnings (Age 55-59, Male)
F620215_Wages regularly paid (Male)
F620216_Wages regularly paid (Female)
F620217_Scheduled cash earnings (Male)
F620218_Scheduled cash earnings (Female)
F6204_Salary of part-time workers (Female) (-2019)
F6205_Salary of part-time workers (Male) (-2019)
F6206_Salary of part-time workers (Female)
F6207_Salary of part-time workers (Male)
F6301_Number of working days
F6302_Number of working days (Male)
F6303_Number of working days (Female)
F6401_Starting salary of upper secondary school graduates (Male)
F6402_Starting salary of upper secondary school graduates (Female)
F6403_Starting salary of university graduates (Male)
F6404_Starting salary of technical college and junior college graduates (Female)
F6405_Starting salary of university graduates (Female)
F6406_Starting salary of technical college and junior college graduates (Male)
F6407_Scheduled cash earnings for upper secondary school graduates (Male)
F6408_Scheduled cash earnings for upper secondary school graduates (Female)
F6409_Scheduled cash earnings for technical college and junior college graduates (Male)
F6410_Scheduled cash earnings for technical college and junior college graduates (Female)
F6411_Scheduled cash earnings for university graduates (Male)
F6412_Scheduled cash earnings for university graduates (Female)
F6501_Minimum wages by region
F8101_Frequency rate of occurrence of industrial accidents
F8102_Severity rate of occurrence of industrial accidents
F9101_Number of labour unions
F9102_Membership of labour unions
F9201_Number of labour disputes
F9202_Number of employees involved (Labour disputes)
F9203_Number of lost work days
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