View Statistical Table/Graph

Statistics name Production by Kind of Iron and Steel Monthly Report 
Table number
Table title Production by kind of iron and steel(Production of ordinary steel for outside market) 
Dataset overview  
Statistics name Production by Kind of Iron and Steel  Detail
Dataset category0 Production by Kind of Iron and Steel 
Dataset category1 Monthly Report
Table category1  
Published date and time 2020-03-26 13:00
  • Statistical table
  • Graph
  • Select display item
  • Table Layout
  • Set graph display

Select display item

All items will be displayed initially. please follow the procedures below to change it.
  1. Press Select Item to set the items.
  2. When pressing proceed button, changed content will be updated and displayed.
Number of screen display cells:
Total screen cell count:
(A table is able to display 100,000 cells at a maximum.
A Graph is able to display 15,000 cells at a maximum.)
SN Table element Description
Select/All items
Tabulated variable
outside market/ Of which undertaking/Cosignment
Ordinary steel type

Table Layout

To change the layout, press the following item names and select "Top of Page" "Column" "Row" to move the items. To change the order of display, press to adjust it. To save and display the changes, press Set and refresh .
1 Table Layout
Top of page (margin)
Top of page (margin)
Tabulated variable
Top of page (margin)
outside market/ Of which undertaking/Cosignment
Top of page (margin)
Ordinary steel type
Top of page (margin)
Number of screen display cells:
Total screen cell count:
(A table is able to display 100,000 cells at a maximum.
A Graph is able to display 15,000 cells at a maximum.)
2 Display option

Set graph display

To save and display the changes, press Set and refresh .
1 Set graph display
Graph type
Graph title
Reference axis
Bar direction
Order of reference axis
Statistics name
Ministry (Division) in charge
E-mail address
Phone number
  • For details of each statistical survey, please refer to the homepage above.
  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.

Set display items

Set items to be displayed or hidden.
Display switch
Select: --- All items: --- Unselected: ---
Select all Clear all
Total for outside market
Of which undertaking
Rails_Heavy rails_Rails
Rails_Heavy rails_Accessories
Rails_Light rails (including accessories)
Sheet piling
Shapes_Wide flange beam
Shapes_Heavy shapes
Shapes_Medium and light shapes
Steel bars_Heavy bars
Steel bars_Medium bars
Steel bars_Light bars_Reinforcing bars_Round bars
Steel bars_Light bars_Reinforcing bars_Deformed bars
Steel bars_Light bars_Others
Steel wire rods_bars in coil_Reinforcing bars in coil
Steel wire rods_bars in coil_Others
Steel wire rods_Ordinary wire rods
Steel wire rods_special wire rods_Low carbon
Steel wire rods_special wire rods_High carbon
Steel sheets&plates_Heavy plates
Steel sheets&plates_Medium plates
Steel sheets&plates_Sheets
Steel sheets&plates_Cold rolled sheets_Heavy&medium plates
Steel sheets&plates_Cold rolled sheets_Sheets
Steel strips_600mm or more in width
Steel strips_Less than 600mm in width
Cold rolled narrow strips
Cold rolled wide strips
Tin plates
Tin free steel
Galvanized sheets
Other metallic coated sheets
Steel pipes & tubes
Feb. 2019
Jan. 2019
Dec. 2018
Nov. 2018
Oct. 2018
Sep. 2018
Aug. 2018
Jul. 2018
Jun. 2018
May. 2018
Apr. 2018
Mar. 2018
Feb. 2018
Jan. 2018
Dec. 2017
Nov. 2017
Oct. 2017
Sep. 2017
Aug. 2017
Jul. 2017
Jun. 2017
May. 2017
Apr. 2017
Mar. 2017
Feb. 2017
Jan. 2017
Dec. 2016
Nov. 2016
Oct. 2016
Sep. 2016
Aug. 2016
Jul. 2016
Jun. 2016
May. 2016
Apr. 2016
Mar. 2016
Feb. 2016
* When selecting multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting.
If it is a continuous range, move the mouse while holding down the left mouse click? Please select while holding down the Shift key.
Swap selected items
Selected items select /clear
Select Clear
Select subordinate group
Select Clear
Select in the same hierarchy
Select Clear
Select in the time range

Select in the time range

*** The one that figure is not obtained
受委託関係が無い There is not any relation between the companies.
受委託関係有り There is keeping or entrusting relation between some companies in the same business.
If 'Replace' is selected in 'Special character',
the selected characters will be displayed instead
of the characters in the legend display.

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