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Statistics name Annual Business Survey 2022 Annual Business Survey - Tabulation across industries The Second Tabulation Tabulation of Enterprises, etc. 1 
Table number 00205 
Table title Number of enterprises, etc. by Industry of enterprise, etc. (Major Groups) and Sales (income) by "Business activities and products" - Japan 
Dataset overview  
Statistics name Annual Business Survey  Detail
Dataset category0 2022 Annual Business Survey - Tabulation across industries 
Dataset category1 The Second Tabulation
Dataset category2 Tabulation of Enterprises, etc. 1
Table category1  
Published date and time 2023-12-15 14:00
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  • For details of each statistical survey, please refer to the homepage above.
  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.

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Number of enterprises, etc.
Sales by Business activities and products
A--R Industries
A--B Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
A Agriculture and Forestry
01 Agriculture
02 Forestry
B Fisheries
03 Fisheries, except aquaculture
04 Aquaculture
C--R Non-Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
C Mining and Quarrying of Stone and Gravel
05 Mining and Quarrying of Stone and Gravel
D Construction
06 Construction work, general including public and private construction work
07 Construction work by specialist contractor, except equipment installation work
08 Equipment installation work
E Manufacturing
09 Manufacture of food
10 Manufacture of beverages, tobacco and feed
11 Manufacture of textile products
12 Manufacture of lumber and wood products, except furniture
13 Manufacture of furniture and fixtures
14 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products
15 Printing and allied industries
16 Manufacture of chemical and allied products
17 Manufacture of petroleum and coal products
18 Manufacture of plastic products, except otherwise classified
19 Manufacture of rubber products
20 Manufacture of leather tanning, leather products and fur skins
21 Manufacture of ceramic, stone and clay products
22 Manufacture of iron and steel
23 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals and products
24 Manufacture of fabricated metal products
25 Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
26 Manufacture of production machinery
27 Manufacture of business oriented machinery
28 Electronic parts, devices and electronic circuits
29 Manufacture of electrical machinery, equipment and supplies
30 Manufacture of information and communication electronics equipment
31 Manufacture of transportation equipment
32 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
F Electricity, Gas, Heat Supply and Water
33 Production, transmission and distribution of electricity
34 Production and distribution of gas
35 Heat supply
36 Collection, purification and distribution of water, and sewage collection, processing and disposal
G Information and Communications
G1 Information and Communications (Communications, Broadcasting and Video picture information, sound information, character information production and distribution)
37 Communications
38 Broadcasting
41 Video picture information, sound information, character information production and distribution
G2 Information and Communications (Information services and Services incidental to internet)
39 Information services
40 Services incidental to internet
H Transport and Postal services
42 Railway transport
43 Road passenger transport
44 Road freight transport
45 Water transport
46 Air transport
47 Warehousing
48 Services incidental to transport
49 Postal services, including mail delivery
I Wholesale and Retail Trade
I1 Wholesale Trade
50 Wholesale trade, general merchandise
51 Wholesale trade (textile and apparel)
52 Wholesale trade (food and beverages)
53 Wholesale trade (building materials, minerals and metals, etc.)
54 Wholesale trade (machinery and equipment)
55 Miscellaneous wholesale trade
I2 Retail Trade
56 Retail trade, general merchandise
57 Retail trade (woven fabrics, apparel, apparel accessories and notions)
58 Retail trade (food and beverage)
59 Retail trade (machinery and equipment)
60 Miscellaneous retail trade
61 Nonstore retailers
J Finance and Insurance
62 Banking
63 Financial institutions for cooperative organizations
64 Non-deposit money corporations, including lending and credit card business
65 Financial products transaction dealers and futures commodity transaction dealers
66 Financial auxiliaries
67 Insurance institutions, including insurance agents, brokers and services
K Real Estate and Goods Rental and Leasing
K1 Real Estate
68 Real estate agencies
69 Real estate lessors and managers
K2 Goods Rental and Leasing
70 Goods rental and leasing
L Scientific Research, Professional and Technical Services
71 Scientific and development research institutes
72 Professional services, n.e.c.
73 Advertising
74 Technical services, n.e.c.
M Accommodations, Eating and Drinking Services
M1 Accommodations
75 Accommodations
M2 Eating and drinking places, Food take out and delivery services
76 Eating and drinking places
77 Food take out and delivery services
N Living-Related and Personal Services and Amusement Services
78 Laundry, beauty and bath services
79 Miscellaneous living-related and personal services
80 Services for amusement and recreation
O Education, Learning Support
O1 Education, Learning Support (School education)
81 School education
O2 Education, Learning Support (Miscellaneous education, learning support)
82 Miscellaneous education, learning support
P Medical, Health Care and Welfare
83 Medical and other health services
84 Public health and hygiene
85 Social insurance, social welfare and care services
Q Compound Services
Q1 Compound Services (Postal services)
86 Postal services
Q2 Compound Services (Cooperative associations)
87 Cooperative associations, n.e.c.
R Services, n.e.c.
R2 Services, n.e.c. (except political, business and cultural organizations and religion)
88 Waste disposal business
89 Automobile maintenance services
90 Machine, etc. repair services, except otherwise classified
91 Employment and worker dispatching services
92 Miscellaneous business services
95 Miscellaneous services
01-00 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
02-00 Mining and Quarrying of Stone and Gravel
03-00 Construction
04-00 Manufacturing
05-01 Textile products (except apparel, apparel accessories and notions)
05-02 Apparel
05-03 Apparel accessories and notions
05-04 Agricultural, livestock and aquatic products
05-05 Food and beverages
05-06 Building materials
05-07 Chemicals and related products
05-08 Petroleum and minerals
05-09 Iron and steel products
05-10 Non-ferrous metals
05-11 Recycled material
05-12 Industry machinery and equipment
05-13 Motor vehicles
05-14 Electrical machinery, equipment and supplies
05-15 Miscellaneous machinery and equipment
05-16 Furniture, fixtures and house furnishings
05-17 Medicines and toiletries
05-18 Paper and paper products
05-19 Miscellaneous wholesale trade
06-01 Dry goods, cloth and bedding stores
06-02 Men's clothing (occidental style) stores
06-03 Ladies' and children's clothing (occidental style) stores
06-04 Footwear stores
06-05 Miscellaneous woven fabrics, apparel, apparel accessories and notions stores
06-06 Vegetable and fruit stores
06-07 Meat and poultry stores
06-08 Fresh fish stores
06-09 Liquor stores
06-10 Confectioneries and bakeries
06-11 Miscellaneous food and beverage stores
06-12 Motor vehicles
06-13 Bicycles
06-14 Machinery and equipment stores, except motorcycles and bicycles
06-15 Furniture, fixture and "tatami" mat (straw-mat) stores
06-16 Household utensil stores
06-17 Medicine and toiletry stores
06-18 Farming supply stores
06-19 Fuel stores
06-20 Book and stationery stores
06-21 Sporting goods, toy, amusement goods and musical instrument stores
06-22 Camera, watch and spectacles stores
06-23 Miscellaneous retail trade
07-01 Newly built house selling services
07-02 Used house selling services
07-03 Non-residential building selling services
07-04 Land selling services
07-05 Real estate agents and brokers for selling
07-06 Real estate agents and brokers for leasing
07-07 Rented houses services (1 month and over)
07-08 Rented houses services (under 1 month)
07-09 Non-residential building leasing services (excluding leasing services for storage spaces, conference rooms, auditoriums, etc.)
07-10 Leasing services for storage space
07-11 Leasing services for conference rooms, etc.
07-12 Leasing services for land
07-13 Real estate finance lease
07-14 Subleasing services
07-15 Automobile parking services
07-16 Residential management services (other than rented houses)
07-17 Residential management services (rented houses)
07-18 Non-residential building management services
07-19 Land management services
07-20 Outdoor advertising space services
08-01 Industrial machinery finance lease
08-02 Engineering machinery finance lease
08-03 Machinery for civil engineering and construction finance lease
08-04 Medical equipment finance lease
08-05 Machinery and equipment for commercial use finance lease
08-06 Communications equipment and related equipment finance lease
08-07 Machinery and equipment for services industries finance lease
08-08 Miscellaneous industrial machinery and equipment finance lease
08-09 Electronic computers and related apparatus (including software) finance lease
08-10 Office machinery finance lease
08-11 Automobile finance leasing (for businesses)
08-12 Automobile finance leasing (for general consumers)
08-13 Sports and hobby goods finance lease
08-14 Welfare goods finance lease
08-15 Miscellaneous goods finance lease
08-16 Industrial machinery operating lease
08-17 Engineering machinery operating lease
08-18 Machinery for civil engineering and construction operating lease
08-19 Medical equipment operating lease
08-20 Machinery and equipment for commercial use operating lease
08-21 Communications equipment and related equipment operating lease
08-22 Machinery and equipment for services industries operating lease
08-23 Miscellaneous industrial machinery and equipment operating lease
08-24 Electronic computers and related apparatus (including software) operating lease
08-25 Office machinery operating lease
08-26 Automobile operating lease (for businesses)
08-27 Automobile operating lease (for general consumers)
08-28 Sports and hobby goods operating lease
08-29 Welfare goods operating lease
08-30 Miscellaneous goods operating lease
08-31 Industrial machinery rental
08-32 Engineering machinery rental
08-33 Machinery for civil engineering and construction machinery rental
08-34 Medical equipment rental
08-35 Machinery and equipment for commercial use rental
08-36 Communications equipment and related equipment rental
08-37 Machinery and equipment for services industries rental
08-38 Miscellaneous industrial machinery and equipment rental
08-39 Electronic computers and related apparatus (including software) rental
08-40 Office machinery rental
08-41 Automobile rental (for businesses)
08-42 Automobile rental (for general consumers)
08-43 Sports and hobby goods rental
08-44 Welfare goods rental
08-45 Miscellaneous goods rental
09-01 In-store dining services (excluding meal provision services)
09-02 Food take out services
09-03 Food delivery services (excluding meal provision services)
09-04 Providing meal services (for school)
09-05 Providing meal services (for medical, health care and welfare facility)
09-06 Providing meal services (others)
10-01 Medical services (hospitalization) (covered by public health insurance)
10-02 Medical services (hospitalization) (not covered by public health insurance)
10-03 Medical services (outpatient (excluding dentistry)) (covered by public health insurance)
10-04 Medical services (outpatient (excluding dentistry)) (not covered by public health insurance)
10-05 Medical services (outpatient (dentistry)) (covered by public health insurance)
10-06 Medical services (outpatient (dentistry)) (not covered by public health insurance)
10-07 Healthcare preventive activity services
10-08 Maternity services
10-09 Home-visit care services (covered by public health insurance)
10-10 Home-visit care services (not covered by public health insurance)
10-11 Other health-related services (covered by public health insurance)
10-12 Other health-related services (not covered by public health insurance)
10-13 Services incidental to medical
10-14 Public health and hygiene services
10-15 Social insurance organization services
10-16 Day nursery services
10-17 Miscellaneous child welfare services
10-18 Nursing care services (covered by public long-term care insurance
10-19 Nursing care services (not covered by public long-term care insurance)
10-20 Miscellaneous social welfare services
11-01 Electrical supply services (for electrical suppliers)
11-02 Electrical supply services (for other businesses)
11-03 Electrical supply services (for general consumers)
11-04 Electrical transmission and distribution services
11-05 Brokerage, agency, and proxy services for electrical retail supply
11-06 City gas supply services (for gas suppliers)
11-07 City gas supply services (for other businesses)
11-08 City gas supply services (for general consumers)
11-09 City gas consignment services
11-10 Brokerage, agency, and proxy services for city gas retail supply
11-11 Heat supply services
11-12 Water supply and sewage collection, processing, and disposal services
12-01 Railway passenger transport services (commuter passes)
12-02 Railway passenger transport services (other than commuter passes)
12-03 Railway freight transport services
12-04 Cable railway, trolleybus, and ropeway passenger transport services
12-05 Railway track services
12-06 Railcar services
12-07 Common omnibus operate services (commuter passes)
12-08 Common omnibus operate services (other than commuter passes)
12-09 Common taxicab operating services (taxicabs)
12-10 Common taxicab operating services (limousine taxicabs)
12-11 Contracted omnibus operating services (chartered buses)
12-12 Miscellaneous road passenger transport services
12-13 Moving services
12-14 Delivery services (individual contract; normal temperature)
12-15 Delivery services (individual contract; refrigerated or frozen)
12-16 Delivery services (excluding individual contract; normal temperature)
12-17 Delivery services (excluding individual contract; refrigerated or frozen)
12-18 Miscellaneous road freight transport services
12-19 Oceangoing passenger transport services
12-20 Oceangoing freight transport services
12-21 Coastwise passenger transport services
12-22 Coastwise freight transport services
12-23 Inland passenger water transport services
12-24 Inland freight water transport services
12-25 Coastwise ship leasing services
12-26 Vessel rental, excluding coastwise ship leasing services
12-27 Japanese domestic air passenger transport services
12-28 International air passenger transport services
12-29 Japanese domestic air freight transport services
12-30 International air freight transport services
12-31 Aircraft services
12-32 Warehousing services (excluding refrigerated or frozen warehousing)
12-33 Refrigerated or frozen warehousing services
12-34 Third-party logistics services
12-35 Port transport services
12-36 Freight transport services (excluding delivery, moving services)
12-37 Transport forwarding and agency services
12-38 Packing and crating services
12-39 Water transport facility management services
12-40 Terminal facility services for motor vehicles
12-41 Toll road services
12-42 Terminal facility for handling freight
12-43 Aviation facility management services
12-44 Service business incidental to water transport
12-45 Service business incidental to air transport
12-46 Miscellaneous services incidental to transport
12-47 Transit advertising space services
12-48 Postal services
12-49 Post office commissioned services
13-01 Sales credit services by credit card
13-02 Services for credit card merchants
13-03 Services for credit card members
13-04 Sales credit services by non-credit card
13-05 Miscellaneous finance services
13-06 Insurance services
14-01 Hotel accommodation services (dinner and breakfast included in accommodation rates)
14-02 Hotels accommodation services (others)
14-03 Miscellaneous accommodation services
15-01 Laundry services
15-02 Laundry agent services
15-03 Laundromat services
15-04 Linen supply services (for Hospital)
15-05 Linen supply services (for others)
15-06 Dust control services (for businesses)
15-07 Dust control services (for general consumers)
15-08 Barber services
15-09 Hair-dressing and beauty salon services
15-10 Public bathhouse services
15-11 Nail care services
15-12 Aesthetic services
15-13 Relaxation services (using manual techniques)
15-14 Miscellaneous laundry, beauty and bath services
15-15 Japanese domestic travel agency services (excluding arrangement services)
15-16 Japanese domestic travel arrangement services
15-17 Overseas travel agency services (excluding arrangement services)
15-18 Overseas travel arrangement services
15-19 Inbound travel agency services
15-20 Services for arranging transport, accommodations, etc. (for Japanese domestic travel agencies)
15-21 Services for arranging transport, accommodations, etc. (for overseas travel agencies)
15-22 Crematories, laying ashes to rest, and graveyard subdivisioning and custodian services
15-23 Wedding ceremony services
15-24 Funeral services
15-25 Miscellaneous ceremonial occasions services
15-26 Matrimonial agencies, wedding ceremony hall brokers, and wedding ceremony production services
15-27 Non-medical and non-healthcare services for animals
15-28 Garment sewing and repair services
15-29 Bicycles parking services
15-30 Coin-operated locker and checkroom services
15-31 Photographic print, film developing and finishing services
15-32 Cash voucher shop services
15-33 Housekeeping services
15-34 Housecleaning services
15-35 Miscellaneous living-related and personal services
15-36 Cinema services
15-37 Performance services (admission fees)
15-38 Performance services (box office revenue contracts with operators)
15-39 Performance services (other income)
15-40 Sports broadcasting right licensing services
15-41 Entertainer management services
15-42 Theater leasing services
15-43 Bicycle racing, horse racing, and lotteries (sales and other income)
15-44 Bicycle racing, horse racing, and lotteries (commissioned sales and other income)
15-45 Baseball stadium use services
15-46 Soccer field use services
15-47 Golf course use services
15-48 Fitness center use services
15-49 Bowling alley use services
15-50 Miscellaneous sports facilities use services
15-51 Amusement parks and theme parks use services
15-52 Public garden use services
15-53 "Pachinko" and "Pachislot" services
15-54 Game center use services
15-55 "Karaoke" box use services
15-56 Internet cafe use services
15-57 Miscellaneous amusement and recreation facilities use services
15-58 Ticket agency services
15-59 Miscellaneous amusement and recreation services
16-01 Kindergartens and centers for early childhood education and care services
16-02 Primary education, secondary education, and post-secondary education services other than higher education services
16-03 Special needs education services
16-04 Institutions of higher education (universities, junior colleges, and colleges of technology), specialized training colleges, and miscellaneous schools
16-05 Entrance examinations and other services
16-06 Services incidental to education
16-07 Museums and art museum services (designated management fees)
16-08 Museums and art museums services (other than designated management fees)
16-09 Zoological gardens, botanical gardens, and aquariums services (designated management fees)
16-10 Zoological gardens, botanical gardens, and aquariums services (other than designated management fees)
16-11 Miscellaneous social education services
16-12 Supplementary tutorial schools services
16-13 Instructional services for vocational skills
16-14 Training and vocational guidance commissioned services
16-15 Certification and proficiency test services (excluding entrance examinations and other services)
16-16 Examination commissioned services
16-17 Driving and flying instruction services
16-18 Music and dance instruction services
16-19 Sports and health instruction services
16-20 Language instruction services
16-21 Art crafts instruction services
16-22 Miscellaneous educational and learning support services
17-01 Fixed voice transmission services
17-02 Fixed data telecommunication services
17-03 Mobile voice telecommunication services
17-04 Mobile data telecommunication services
17-05 Network and dedicated services for businesses
17-06 Connection, sharing, and wholesale telecommunication services for Japanese domestic telecommunication agencies
17-07 Connection, sharing, and wholesale telecommunication services for overseas telecommunication agencies
17-08 Server housing services
17-09 ICT equipment and facility sharing services
17-10 Miscellaneous voice and data telecommunication services
17-11 Services incidental to telecommunications
17-12 Television broadcasting and distribution services (receiving fees)
17-13 Television broadcasting and distribution services (advertising income)
17-14 Radio broadcasting and distribution services (listening fees)
17-15 Radio broadcasting services (advertising income)
17-16 Services incidental to broadcasting
17-17 Entrusted development of software services (excluding embedded software) (main contractor)
17-18 Entrusted development of software services (excluding embedded software) (subcontractor)
17-19 Entrusted development of embedded software services (main contractor)
17-20 Entrusted development of embedded software services (subcontractor)
17-21 Industrial packaged software (physical media)
17-22 Industrial packaged software (for distribution)
17-23 Home-use software (excluding game software) (physical media)
17-24 Home-use software (excluding game software) (for distribution)
17-25 Game software (physical media)
17-26 Game software (for distribution)