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Statistics name Annual Business Survey 2023 Annual Business Survey - Tabulation across industries The Second Tabulation Tabulation of Enterprises, etc. 2 
Table number 00301 
Table title The percentage of Major breakdown of expenses by business activity - Japan 
Dataset overview  
Statistics name Annual Business Survey  Detail
Dataset category0 2023 Annual Business Survey - Tabulation across industries 
Dataset category1 The Second Tabulation
Dataset category2 Tabulation of Enterprises, etc. 2
Table category1  
Published date and time 2024-07-26 14:00
  • Statistical table
  • Graph
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  • Table Layout
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Total screen cell count:
(A table is able to display 100,000 cells at a maximum.
A Graph is able to display 15,000 cells at a maximum.)
SN Table element Description
Select/All items
Tabulated variable
Business classification
Area classification

Table Layout

To change the layout, press the following item names and select "Top of Page" "Column" "Row" to move the items. To change the order of display, press to adjust it. To save and display the changes, press Set and refresh .
1 Table Layout
Top of page (margin)
Top of page (margin)
Tabulated variable
Top of page (margin)
Business classification
Top of page (margin)
Area classification
Top of page (margin)
Number of screen display cells:
Total screen cell count:
(A table is able to display 100,000 cells at a maximum.
A Graph is able to display 15,000 cells at a maximum.)
2 Display option

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1 Set graph display
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Graph title
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Order of reference axis
Statistics name
Ministry (Division) in charge
E-mail address
Phone number
  • For details of each statistical survey, please refer to the homepage above.
  • Information on relevant government statistics such as "Survey outline", "Survey results", "Attention on use", "Release schedule", and "Contact" are posted on the website of each ministry. Please use it before using the statistical tables.

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Total wages and salaries
Costs for health and welfare (including retirement payment)
Rental expense (land/buildings)
Rent expenses (information communication equipment)
Rental expense (others)
Depreciation costs
Outsourcing expenses
Advertising expenses
Insurance expenses
Utilities expenses
Communication expenses
Packing and delivery expenses
Traveling expenses
Vehicle expenses
Consumables expenses
(Production, transmission and distribution of electricity) Fuel expenses
(Production, transmission and distribution of electricity) Repairs expenses
(Production and distribution of gas) Raw material costs
(Production and distribution of gas) Repair expenses
(Communications) Facility maintenance costs
(Communications) Communication facility expenses
(Information services, Internet based services) Outsourcing expenses (domestic)
(Information services, Internet based services) Outsourcing expenses (overseas)
(Video picture information production and distribution) Production costs (labor costs)
(Video picture information production and distribution) Production costs (others)
(Video picture information production and distribution) Expenses for obtaining distribution rights (domestic)
(Video picture information production and distribution) Expenses for obtaining distribution rights (overseas)
(Video picture information production and distribution) Distribution costs
(Video picture information production and distribution) Expenses for obtaining copyright (domestic)
(Video picture information production and distribution) Expenses for obtaining copyright (overseas)
(Sound information production) Production costs (labor costs)
(Sound information production) Production costs (others)
(Sound information production) Copyright fees
(Publishers, except newspapers) Royalties/payment for manuscripts
(Railway transport) Power costs
(Water transport) Cargo expenses (exclude fuel expenses)
(Water transport) Fuel expenses
(Water transport) Port expenses
(Water transport) Ship expenses
(Water transport) Ship rental fee
(Wholesale trade, Retail trade) Cost of goods sold
(Wholesale trade, Retail trade) Sales commission/Sales incentive fee
(Banking, Trust businesses) Financing expenses
(Banking, Trust businesses) Services transaction costs
(Banking, Trust businesses) Segregated trading expenses
(Financial institutions for small-business, agricultural) Financing expenses
(Financial institutions for small-business, agricultural) Services transaction costs
(Financial institutions for small-business, agricultural) Segregated trading expenses
(Credit card and installment finance businesses) Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts
(Credit card and installment finance businesses) Financial cost
(Securities institutions) Financial expenses
(Securities institutions) Trading related expenses
(Securities institutions) Real estate related expenses
(Life insurance institutions) claims and other payments
(Life insurance institutions) Provision for policy reserves and other reserves
(Life insurance institutions) Asset management expenses
(Non-life insurance institutions) Insurance underwriting expenses
(Non-life insurance institutions) Asset management expenses
(Real estate agencies) Land expenses
(Real estate agencies) Outsourcing construction expenses
(Real estate agencies) Land and building purchase expenses
(Real estate lessors and managers) Repairs expenses
(Goods rental and leasing) Costs for rent
(Goods rental and leasing) Costs for lease investment asset
(Goods rental and leasing) Costs for funds
(Advertising) Medium costs
(Accommodations) Material costs
(Accommodations) Repair expenses
(Eating and drinking) Manufacturing costs (Material costs)
(Eating and drinking) Manufacturing costs (Labor costs)
(Ceremonial occasions) Facility management expenses
(Ceremonial occasions) Sales commission
(Cinemas) Facility management expenses
(Cinemas) Movie screening costs
(Performances, theatrical companies) Player/Performance contract fee
(Performances, theatrical companies) Facility management expenses
(Sports facilities) Facility management expenses
(Public gardens and amusement parks) Facility management expenses
(Supplementary tutorial schools) Security costs
(Instruction services for arts, culture and technicals) Honorarium
(Instruction services for arts, culture and technicals) Teaching material creating costs
(Medical and other health services) Chemical costs
(Medical and other health services) Material costs (Exclude Chemical costs)
33 Production, transmission and distribution of electricity
34 Production and distribution of gas
35 Heat supply
36 Collection, purification and distribution of water, and sewage collection, processing and disposal
37 Communications
38 Broadcasting
39 Information services
40 Services incidental to internet
411 Video picture information production and distribution
412 Sound information production
414 Publishers, except newspapers
41 Miscellaneous video picture information, sound information, character information production and distribution
42 Railway transport
43 Road passenger transport
44 Road freight transport
45 Water transport
46 Air transport
47 Warehousing
48 Services incidental to transport
49 Postal services
50 Wholesale trade, general merchandise
51 Wholesale trade (textile and apparel)
52 Wholesale trade (food and beverages)
53 Wholesale trade (building materials, minerals and metals, etc.)
54 Wholesale trade (machinery and equipment)
55 Miscellaneous wholesale trade
56 Retail trade, general merchandise
57 Retail trade (woven fabrics, apparel, apparel accessories and notions)
58 Retail trade (food and beverage)
59 Retail trade (machinery and equipment)
60 Miscellaneous retail trade
61 Nonstore retailers
62 Banking
63 Financial institutions for cooperative organizations
643 Credit card and installment finance businesses
64 Miscellaneous non-deposit money corporations, including lending and credit card business
651 Financial products transaction dealers
652 Futures commodity transaction dealers and commodity investment advisors
662 Trust businesses
66 Financial auxiliaries, except trust businesses
671 Life insurance institutions
672 Non-life insurance institutions
67 Miscellaneous insurance institutions
68 Real estate agencies
69 Real estate lessors and managers
70 Goods rental and leasing
71 Scientific and development research institutes
72 Professional services
73 Advertising
74 Technical services
75 Accommodations
76 Eating and drinking places
77 Food take out and delivery services
78 Laundry, beauty and bath services
796 Ceremonial occasions
79 Miscellaneous living-related and personal services, except ceremonial occasions
801 Cinemas
802 Performances (except otherwise classified), theatrical companies
804 Sports facilities
805 Public gardens and amusement parks
80 Miscellaneous services for amusement and recreation
81 School education
823 Supplementary tutorial schools
824 Instruction services for arts, culture and technicals
82 Miscellaneous education, learning support, n.e.c.
83 Medical and other health services
84 Public health and hygiene
85 Social insurance, social welfare and care services
88 Waste disposal business
89 Automobile maintenance services
90 Machine, etc. repair services
91 Employment and worker dispatching services
92 Miscellaneous business services
95 Miscellaneous services
* When selecting multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting.
If it is a continuous range, move the mouse while holding down the left mouse click? Please select while holding down the Shift key.
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*** The one that figure is not obtained
- Not applicable
... Outside of the scope
X Concealed
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the selected characters will be displayed instead
of the characters in the legend display.

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