• Statistical table
  • Graph
  • Select region
  • Select display item
  • Table Layout
  • Set graph display
Select region
Select display item
Statistical table

Select region

  • Any Regions
  • Similar Regions
Please select region(s) and press proceed.
First, select the region from which to search similar regions. Select conditions to search for regions that are similar to the region. Up to 10 conditions can be added. Regions candidates can be narrowed down by Region classification and Filter.
1 Filter
1 Similar region search source
Region classification About the district
Similar region search source
2 Region candidate
2 Search condition
Search condition1 Required
(No search condition set)
Search condition2 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition3 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition4 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition5 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition6 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition7 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition8 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition9 Optional
(No search condition set)
Search condition10 Optional
(No search condition set)
Remaining 9 item(s) can be selected.
3 Region candidate
description of "district"
The number shown in "District" is simply the sum of all the prefectures belonging to each district.
The items that can be aggregated can be selected.
TypeⅠThe typeⅠ explanation
Hokkaido Hokkaido
Tohoku Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken
Kanto Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken
Hokuriku Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken
Tokai Shizuoka-ken Gifu-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken
Kinki Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken
Chugoku Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken
Shikoku Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken
Kyushu Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken
Okinawa Okinawa-ken
TypeⅡThe typeⅡ explanation
Hokkaido Hokkaido
Tohoku Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken
Kanto Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken Shizuoka-ken
Chubu Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Gifu-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken
Kinki Fukui-ken Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken
Chugoku Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken
Shikoku Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken
Kyushu Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken
Okinawa Okinawa-ken
TypeⅢThe typeⅢ explanation
Hokkaido Hokkaido
Tohoku Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken
Kanto Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Niigata-ken Nagano-ken
Tokyo Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Yamanashi-ken
Hokuriku Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken
Chubu Shizuoka-ken Gifu-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken
Kinki Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken
Chugoku Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken
Shikoku Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken
KyushuⅠ Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken
KyushuⅡ Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken
Okinawa Okinawa-ken
Select region
Select display item
Statistical table

Select display item

Select the item filtered by data type and category or the item searched by keyword.
1 Filter
Data type
2 Item candidate
※To select more than one, select them while pressing Ctrl.

Table Layout

To change the layout, press the following item names and select "Top of Page" "Column" "Row" to move the items. To change the order of display, press to adjust it. To save and display the changes, press Set and refresh .
1 Table Layout
Top of page (margin)
Top of page (margin)
Top of page (margin)
Top of page (margin)
Survey year
Number of screen display cells:
Total screen cell count:
(A table is able to display 100,000 cells at a maximum.
A Graph is able to display 15,000 cells at a maximum.)
2 Display year
* The Updated year of Prefectural data will be 1980 year(s) or future.
3 Display option

Set graph display

To save and display the changes, press Set and refresh .
1 Set graph display
Graph type
Graph title
Reference axis
Bar direction
Order of reference axis
***Not surveyed or aggregated
-Not available
XFigures kept undisclosed
If 'Replace' is selected in 'Special character',
the selected characters will be displayed instead
of the characters in the legend display.


Download graphs

File type
Estimated size list